Monday, November 20, 2017

"Are you lost in the world like me?"

1) What is the general premise of the video?
The video focuses on people and their attachment to the digital world. People hide behind a screen and don't have to face consequences that their actions bring about, in fact, they don't have to face reality at all because they are sucked into their phones all the time. They are turning into emotionless monsters who don't care about the world. If you aren't on the digital bandwagon you are effectively an outcast.

2) Is the video successful in conveying it's intended message?
This video was meant to convey that our society is flawed and It succeeded in doing just that. No matter what someone is like in reality they can be anyone they want to be online and that corrupts our children. Kids are learning to be superficial at a young age and its terrifying.

3) Do you feel this is more of a cautionary story or an examination of our current social situation? Why?
This story is a representation of our society currently as much as it is a projection for the future. People begin to lose a sense of themselves and begin to change themselves into society's ideal, no matter what the cost is.


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Tweet This!

1) The article was highlighting the trend of colleges checking their applicants social media.

2) As social media advances I believe that this trend will continue and could potentially evolve.

3) If a student posts incriminating things online they are effectively screwing themselves over in their search to find a suitable college or a job. Colleges and employers don't want students or employees who appear to make questionable decisions online.

Reference article: