Friday, October 6, 2017

Mutant Me

Mutant Me

The mutant strain that has affected me is called demon disease.

Some Physical indications that you may have demon disease are black eyes and strange colored hair as well as a sudden change in hight.

Those affected by demon disease tend to lose all emotions and have trouble reading others emotions.

They do however gain photographic memory and telepathy, they can even move objects with their minds and alter others thoughts.

Those affected by demon disease tend to spend an increased amount of time alone and often stray far away from home.

Eating habits are also strange, those affected often don't eat for days at a time but when they do eat they consume anything.

The appearance of people affected often scare people so they don't spend much time socially interacting with others.

Those affected also experience an increased learning capacity and can memorize entire textbooks at a time.

my plans for the future have been altered slightly. since i now have an expanded brain capacity and can memorize anything i will seek out knowledge of everything imaginable.

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