Friday, December 15, 2017

First semester Reflection

Quality of work
Most of the work i do or have done I have put a significant amount of time and effort into. Most of the stuff in the beginning was difficult because I didn't know how to use photoshop very well, but over time I have become more adapt to the many different ways photoshop can be used. I have been able to finish my work in a timely fashion and meet the requirements for the assignments even when my first ideas don't work out I manage to rethink my design and make them work.

I do put in a good bit of effort but sometimes my pieces are lacking. I usually come up with an idea of what I want my piece to look like before I start the project, however I do add some last minute things. I tend to develop a few variations of my original piece so I can explore all my options. As of right now I avoid something that I think would be too difficult for me, I don't like to challenge myself right out of the gate because I tend to be very shy and insecure about my art. Overall I have a positive attitude towards feedback from my peers, The people in this class aren't trying to pick on me by commenting on my art, they are just expressing their opinions and suggestions. my designs and process are working well for and i am quite proud of the work I've done.

I have been on time to class and I have been kept busy by the workload in this class. I tend to keep to myself and work alone, this enables me to focus better on what it is that I am doing and allows me to think freely. I am able to work effectively in this class and that is made easier by the relaxed environment.

My digital art style has developed greatly since the first day I took this class, in fact, my art style is always evolving. I have never been the most confident person when it comes to my art, that is something I definitely need to work on. I should take bigger risks in my art, the only reason  don't is because one of my biggest fears is disappointing or failing others. The most painful thing is when someone is disappointed in me. You could stab me in the heart but it still wouldn't hurt as badly as disappointment does.

When it comes down to it I need to make my pieces more intricate in semester 2. There is nothing wrong with them now, It just feels like some of them are missing something. I need to challenge myself more with my pieces. Currently they meet all the requirements but I believe that I could go above and beyond what is expected of me and I hope to do so in semester 2.

Friday, December 8, 2017


In "Empire of light" magritte is using a day sky and he contrasts it with the lamp lit town, creating the illusion that the daylight only comes from behind the town.

Optical illusion