Friday, April 27, 2018

Napoleon Dynamite follow up questions

1) What did you think of Napoleon the first time you saw him?

    I thought he was a little slow and not quite developed as socially as he should be for his age.

2) Do you think the movie is a comedy? Do you think some people will say it wasn’t?

    I understand the movie to be a comedy, however there are lots of people who may see calling it a comedy to be offensive.

3) How do you think Napoleon saw himself?
    Did he think he was a dork or a nerd?
    Did he care?

    Napoleon didn't really care how other people saw him. He may be a nerd but that never really mattered to him.

4) Do you think Napoleon had any nun chuck skills?
    How about poison dart skills?
    Did he have skills as an artist?
    What were his best skills?

    Nunchuck skills - Absolutely.
    Poison dart skills - most likely.
    Artistic skills - For sure, did you see the poster for pedro?
    Best skills - Standing up for what he believes in.

5) Who do you think this movie is funniest for: former Napoleons, current Napoleons, or anti-Napoleons? Explain.

    Former Napoleons, mainly because they can relate to the way that Napoleon feels.

6) What is the “social order” in your high school? 
    Who’s at the top? (no names)
    Where do you think Napoleon would fit in?
    Where is your place?

    The preppy/annoying/entitled kids.
    Napoleon would fit in with the oddball outcasts.
    I don't really know or even care where I stand in the "social order" because all that matters to me is that I have a few good friends that stand up for what they believe is right.

7) Would you vote for Pedro or Summer? Why?

    Obviously pedro, Entitled kids like summer are the worst.

8) What was Napoleon’s biggest problem?
    Uncle Rico’s?

    Napoleon - Uncle rico.
    Kip - Accepting himself.
    Uncle Rico - not being able to hold a steady job.

9) The official Napoleon Dynamite website says “He’s Out To Prove He Has Nothing To Prove.” What do you think this means?

    He doesn't care if other people accept him or not.

10) What’s one “Napoleon” thing about you?

      Really awkward.

11) Do you think Napoleon was happy? Explain.

      He doesn't appear to be upset but he gets harassed a lot and that is quite disheartening. 

12) Why would Napoleon wears the boots all the time? Do you think he cared what others thought of him?

      Because he is a badass and likes them and doesn't need approval from society. 

13) Did Napoleon get to “un-dork” himself or is he just a dork who can dance?

      Still a dork that can dance.

14) Where do you think Napoleon will be in twenty years?
    Uncle Rico?

    Napoleon - Writing/Illustrating comic books.
    Pedro - Inspirational speaker.
    Deb - Photographer/designer.
    Kip - Falling for internet scams/in a ditch in Mexico.
    Uncle Rico - Prison for sure.

15) If you could have any mythical beast as a pet, what would it be? 

      Obviously a dragon.

16) If you could take any food (other than potatoes) and make it into a tot, what food would you choose? 

      Probably mac and cheese.